Johnson Level Introduces Cast Aluminum Welder's Level

MEQUON WI, March 17, 2011 --Johnson Level & Tool, leader in spirit levels and laser levels, has expanded its level offering again with the introduction of a 10-inch magnetic, cast aluminum torpedo level.

MoreImages/1404-1000.pngThe new 1404-1000 Magnetic Welder’s Torpedo Level is made of a solid cast aluminum frame, with three high powered v-groove magnets embedded in the gauging edge. The level features Johnson Level’s SurroundView® vial system which reflects ambient light for easy reading in dimly lit work environments and durable precision block vials that will not crack, leak or fade. The block vials read plumb, level and 45 degrees.

“We designed this level to be effective on ‘hot jobs’, or environments where a welder works on a daily basis. The solid cast aluminum frame and rare earth magnets stick to ferrous metals while high temperature welding is taking place.” said Jeff Johnson, Director of Marketing at Johnson Level.

The Welder’s Torpedo Level is one of 15 torpedo levels offered by Johnson Level. Other torpedo levels include features such as Multi-Pitch® vials which read in 1/8-inch increments, Glow-View® vial systems which glow-in-the-dark, and top-read torpedo levels which are more easily read at different angles.  All Johnson levels come with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on accuracy.